Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Be your own true color ^___^ romantic story included~


Tonight I feel so excited and thrill to share with you a story about myself..I want it to be a proof why we need to be our own true color and be unique...don't be afraid of my case prove it, being who you are, being honest with what you feel without any taught on anyone else might think of you is so much more charming and attractive...

Ok, here it goes...

I was in Damansara Utama, Form 1..I was young..I could still remember my best friend, Hidayah...One day, there was an announcement that WWF organization would select 10 lucky students to participate in their camping in Fraser Hill for 3 days 2 night for free..only 10..everyone nak join..

So, I was happy and immediately jump to that opportunity, so I filled the form and passed it up..I also asked my best friend to join me..It will be fun! because I enjoy camping so much..even now.. I prayed I will be chosen..

After a week, the names were out, and...they didn't picked me :( ..I was sad, but I don't think much of it..then, so so later la, one of the prefect came to see me and said would I like to join the camp since one of the student couldn't make it..and I said YES!! OF COURSE!!

So, on that fateful day, on the bus, we were heading to the office of WWF in Kelana Jaya..I'm excited because other schools participated too, Damansara Jaya, Kelana Jaya, Taman Tun and many more..we couldn't wait to usha the guys..huihui( gatai..) Along the way, I was having good time with Hidayah and we were very grateful to be there.

Once arrived, I was mesmerized with the students..A lot of them, like 90 % were BOYS..but, they are CHINESE...but, Hey, they look so handsome and dashing...hehe..I felt immediate shyness..*blushing*

I was the only one there with Tudung, and by judging how 'elite' was the situation at that time, I was considered as an outcast and I stand out in the crowd for wearing tudung..I felt embarrassed to be honest, but I still be myself anyway....then..

In the bus, on our way to the Fraser Hill, my friend, Hidayah already had befriended many guys and exchanging phone number.."wah, she was really good with guys", I said quietly while looking at her and moaning on the fact that, I couldn't even talk to one guy there..

There I was, sitting quietly, with blank expression while my friend besides me chatting noisily and happily... ( Teenager being teenager..everyone have been there, rite? hehehe, blame hormones!)

We were almost there and the journey was getting BAD for me, as we reach the sloppy road...I became dizzy quickly and I always had nausea every time I board the bus..I usually end up vomiting and let me tell you, it was a scene you don't want to see..But, usually I have plastic and tissues with me, but this time, I DON'T have it!!! end of world!!!!

Omg....(panic nyer..) I have to be quick if else I will be the ugliest looking girl there and I wanted to protect myself from another embarrassment, so I saw a roll of tissue on top at the carriage, which in the middle sitting in the bus..I sat at the back of the bus because my friend was pretty( duduk blakang dlm bas dulu dulu kan dianggap hanya utk bdak "cool" je kan..) so, I endured the walking with sick feeling, and baru je nak capai tisu tu, the bus pusing selekoh, and I terduduk atas hensem boy..malunyer...( mcm dalam drama korea kan kan?)

pastu, the bus stopped to let me muntuh all beside the road, mcmtu sekali..everyone was talking about me..
"budak tudung vomit lah..aiyo.." "budak tudung" instantly become my nickname there.. cisss..- -"

Sampai di Fraser beautiful, but, pendek kan citer..

I felt so lonely there..though I enjoyed myself with the activities, I felt terrible bcause I was alone as in xde orang nak mengurat I ke?? friend mcm artis kot kat sana..*sigh*

There was one time, in of the activities, I fell so hard while running, I rasa so terok..I said, "oh no, now they are going to laugh at me"  but, they don't actually..One of them, in fact, yelled, "Cikgu, bdak bertudung jatuh!!!"  again I feel discomfort by that nickname..why can't they just called me Hanisa? I feel terrible after that and Hidayah tried to comfort me, she said, you really did fell so hard, they pitied you..ok, still embarrassed for me..or maybe I felt lagi worse kena pitied..

Then, malam esoknyer, another activities, was Mid-night jungle tracking!! klimak of this story la..Ahhh, this time, everyone try to get cozy with each other, girl and boys..boys try to tunjuk macho dan funny lar..It was really dark and it was midnight..scary when u r in the jungle of course..after dgr taklimat pe semua, the instructor lead us into the jungle..

Iseh, I touching lagi tgk semua jalan bercouple-couple( yes, I also jelez, but dulu dulu larrr..form 1 kot..hehe)
then, suddenly hujan lebat..adoi..mengsuspen kan lagi perjalanan ini...the instractor told us to use shortcut to returned back to hotel bcause it was dangerous to continue the activity..Sedih do, baru nak layan keindahan malam dgn bunyi bunyi cengkerik tu wpon xde kapel..(ye lah tuuu..)

While we walked in the rain..every guy was watching for their so called new love interest..even my friend dump me...again, I walk feeling so touching lagi..this time, very very could you leave me and walked with that guy u barely know ? everyone passed by me and I try to be strong and walk faster bcause u dont want to be the last to walk in the jungle, if u know what i mean (hantu)...

and suddenly, up infront, i could see a guy was waiting for someone..Ada bukit kecil kat dpan, so u kinda have to mendaki dgn susah sikit...dah la hujan lagi..bahaya kalau terjatuh..but, well, dont you worry because every girl ada boy utk help them, except me of course (monolog sendirian)

Hmmm, I said it can't be me, that HE was waiting for..I looked back and saw other girls too..maybe it was me? Dont perasaan lahhhh..I yelled dlm monolog...As I get closer to that guy, while the rain was heavily pouring, I was wet and everyone did..He looked at my in the eyes and extend a hand..

wait wait wait..what just happened here?.....

OMG....I was flattered and blushing all together..a handsome chinese guy is kindly enough to help me? seriously, in hanisa? I felt dumb a moment, nak pegang ke tak nak? kan haram pegang tangan lelaki? but, I at the end, hold his hand bcause its DARURAT, kan? I smiled at him and said thanks ( so sweet or what? just like in the movie..)

He pulled me up the hill and I mula dah perasaan and I tried to gave excuse, "oh maybe he is helping everyone at the back also"..but he did NOT!! hahaha, so much lucky..I feel so warmed and happiness overload walaupon dah basah kuyup, that guy was walking behind me and never he walked past me, I guess he want to make sure I was alright till the end..*oh melting* ada lah event2 yg best2 pastu kan dan laki tu..I didn't really think of him sbb sibuk having fun..

skip skip citer, waktu balik, I become new person and I didn't feel sad anymore..I couldn't believe myself that the guy with the strong hand there would have feeling for me too..
It turned out to be that he was the guy I had accidentally sat on him and sadly I don't even knew his name? Obviously not from our school..that guy is so hensem, lalala..self esteem increase by, I'm kinda happy that at the end, one of them take the liking of me..

so sad that time, i dont have handphone, so I can't tell that guy to call me..because waktu balik tu, all of us, students exchange numbers :) peluang melepas! It's ok, I said because he is not muslim..LOL! what was I thinking?? By the way, i laughed during trip balik sebab all students muntah except me! haha, tu la ejek lagi..skrg semua rasa..hehehehe..

Isn't it a nice story? I always feel happy every time i reminisce that moment when he hold my hand and looked at me straight in the eyes..It shows that he likes me for who I am..I did not bukak my tudung just bcause I was socially pressured..I also did not act tough and I cried when I fell...I vomited and every minutes I was there, I was being honest with myself and I did not pretend to be other person..and at the end, out of hundred male students, one likes me..and he is hot..that is so great..

My advice to myself and other girls, just be who you are, if you are sad, don't act like you don't, If you like something, said it loud..if u want to be this person, then just be it..don't even think of what other might say..tell them at least you are real, honest and do not fake yourself to fit in...embrace it..and may one day, a good guy will extend his hand to  you too ( not literally)                           ^_______^

Thursday, April 5, 2012

belajar make up, nak tak?


 Ni semua ilusi make sbb menggunakan kreativiti dan skill!
Unhappy model..

I'm not sure about this idea..but, I really want to do something about it..
here I am..a Malaya gurl who has strong and hardcore obsession with make up..
Of all the experiences and tips I've collected so far ( byk layan youtube sampai beribu video..)
I come to think, what i know should not be wasted and kept just for myself...

I want to share..
and I am willing to learn more after sharing..

I find that it's hard to find a blog created by a malay girl specifically talk about make up for my references.
So, I said to myself, why not?

Just try lah dulu, see how it goes first..
I'll try to convince my sister to participate as my model...
I strongly decline to make up myself (sekali dua, xpa la kot...)
because I don't like posing2 gitu ( sebenarnya xpandai pon - -" )
and I'm not photogenic either..hehehe..
which is contrary to my sister..( i think so..)

Keep updated with upcoming post..
It will be a new fresh fun hobby post :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



Hari ni sy sakit..m,, rasa lemah sgt..skrg dah ok skit..makan byk2 supaya kebah demam..nyum x3..hehe..

Penatnya buat Honour Project Paper..Haraplah semua berjalan lancar :D

I'm glad I'm getting stronger...and rajin-er..hehe..I'm glad that now I know how to Redha..

My mother is away in Kg..I miss her..

Syukur yea, Insya Allah, sy akan buat attachment dkat dgn rumah..yea, boleh jalan kaki! So much win..

life more brighter with 9gag( practice it everyday with siblings, LOL!)..

life more peaceful with Al Quran ^^

harap lah kali ni tidak ada apa halangan dan dimudahkan semuanya...

Tq pada semua yg mendoakan kemudahan dan kecemerlangan sy..

Praise to Allah SWT, who mould me to be who I am today..

Syukur Alhamdullillah... I'm grateful with what I have and what I am today..

Selamat Malam.

Please study harder this semester, ya ~