Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Yay, Selamat Hari Jadi kpd saya, Nur Hanisa Zulkifli!

For the celebration of my 22th Birthday * which in case I feel so old now, I always though I'm 17 all the time..wahaha, ridiculous!* I thought of making NEW RESOLUTION..hehe

So, what actually triggers me to make new resolutions?

Well, it just crossed my mind before I slept and the other reason was this:
Ok, currently I feel so intense and sensitive when doing my Honor Project Paper, which I'm sure all my friends feel the same way too..but since I am doing this all alone, it is more than usual kinda intensity.. which is why I drop a huge amount of subject this semester..I want to take it cool way, and enjoy the education while I'm still a student..So, while researching substances for my paper, I came across this article which impact me so much that I thought it was meant for me..That writer knows me and he purposely write it for me..I feel so ashamed of myself..huhuhu..

"Kita ambil contoh mudah dengan melihat senario graduan baru bekerja. Kita andaikan graduan itu mendapat gaji RM2,000 sebulan (tidak termasuk graduan mendapat gaji tidak setimpal dengan kelulusan iaitu RM800 hingga RM1,200). Dengan gaji RM2,000, bermulalah kerjaya graduan sebagai eksekutif muda di bandar atau di kawasan pinggir bandar. Dengan semangat berkobar-kobar berserta iringan doa dan kata perangsang ibu bapa, bekerjalah eksekutif muda dengan azam membangunkan diri, membantu ibu bapa dan keluarga yang banyak berkorban.Tetapi selepas mengharungi hidup sebagai eksekutif muda dan terdedah dengan persekitaran kerja yang mencabar mental dan fizikal, perubahan demi perubahan positif dan negatif banyak mengubah hidup eksekutif muda sehingga perubahan itu menjerat diri dan kehidupan mereka sebagai individu, pekerja dan sebagai anak dalam keluarga iaitu hutang."

I know it was a different subject matter, but the concept was there....I'm a student..at first, I got so ambitious, but now?....mana semua pegi, hanisa? 

So, I want to change.since it is my birthday, it just makes it more special..It is a promise I made for myself :)

My new resolution is to study with passion and seriously so that when I graduate, I can help a lot of people! Gain as much knowledge as possible!

Well, it does make sense, isn't it..You cannot help people if you are not capable enough..You have to have extraordinary length of knowledge, the more the better, then only you can win cases..when you win cases, you actually help the victims..I hope I can do a lot of charity help through Pro-Bono ( free of charge) cases also..

 I admit that, I am way too far to be an expert..thanks to my results to remind me that! but, one can always dreams and work hard for it..I think it doesn't matter where you are right now, you can always change your destiny if you decide that you want to..Di mana ada kemhuan, di situ ada jalan! As long we are still breathing, chances of success is always there..It's important to set your intention and goal first, then start working on it..I will start now..dream is not something you can postpone or procrastinate..you have to work hard over a period of time before you can see the result..maybe along the way, you make wrong decision or something happen..but, as long you keep your memory of your goal fresh, Insya Allah, you will get there...

Why I want to help people?
I feel so sad and sympathize towards citizens of Malaysia who have no idea of what real law is and poor people thought they are obliged to pay when being demanded by authority..and they pay a lot too! They don't know that they can fight for their rights and justice...like 80% of them! Only when the bankruptcy notice arrived, they were startled and then only they start to ask for help..( not people who mismanage their money, those people can be justified to end up like that..I meant for people who did nothing wrong but was force to pay by authority, just because they have power, people thought 'oh, I guess I need to pay, if not I will be drag to the court, which is more expensive, rite..-wrong lar) 

 hmm, I feel like our government purposely bankrupted their people, (with all that nonsense bias laws that favors Banks and Elites..only if someone amongst them bring this issues out, due to revenge or unsatisfied etc...then only we know about this issue, if not, u will never know!! politik always kotor..dirty your hands ) Someone must stand up and fight for fairer law..Law that can benefit both parties...Only those people who are wise enough without the knowledge of law are able to logically think that he need to stand up and consult expert to know whether he has right or not to refuse payment.. tapi tak ramai begini..

So, that is why I want to have new ambition! I guess studying law at the end, is really meant for me, my destiny...I always against it before..now all become clearer to me and it makes sense..I just need to be persistent and hear my own voices..what my heart tell me..what I feel is important to me...it doesn't matter how other people respond, if it is reacted with negativity and especially rudeness..( critique and insult are two different things ) it is odd though..orang mcmni kan, mrk kutuk giler giler orang lain buat benda benda ni..bla bla bla..then, kemudian mrk juga melakukannya..what is that? hahaha.it's really funny..I'm more matured and independent now...I can relied on myself now..It is tough but every time I feel burden, I read Al Qur'an, Allah SWT will give me strength and peacefulness..I can filter out all information or opinion made by people and take only the good ones..I feel so much better because I am more in control of myself..what I want, what I desire, how I feel, why I feel it..all these feeling are purely win my own approval and satisfied my own principles and standard..there is no such things as being pressured by friends or parents or social..I did it for Allah SWT and only to Him alone, I shall answer..

Somehow, I can tell people thought I was being fake or trying hard...Yes, it's true..I am trying very hard to be nice and I tried to control what I really felt ( you may beg to differ in this point..but, this is me being me..)..but I'm not fake..this is who I am..What you see is what I am..I sincerely want to be a better person...I'm not comfortable of course because I hid my true feelings, but it is for my own good...I am a lot more uncomfortable if I hurt or make other people upset..I dream of character like Rasullullah SAW...He is my idol..so, I would like to preserve good qualities as possible...sometimes, we have to struggle more because we are dwell with syaitan 24 hours and nafsu kt...I did make mistakes ( horrible!!!)and hurt a lot of people too..I am so sorry..I do..I was so stupid and arrogant before..sometimes, negative thoughts did get to me..I used to prasangka buruk a lot too...but, now gone la ( taubat..)..I learn that it is useless to think bad because I'm convinced that Allah will protect me (if it is true that someone has something against me)....If I have to choose, I will choose to be nice..nice is not the same as stupid, though..nowadays, people confuse with  these two words...which is another reason why I want to gain as much knowledge as possible so that it will served as valid point that being nice doesn't mean being stupid...

OK, that's it for now.. enough with my ranting..hehe..

P/s : By the way, I try to write in English more often so that I can improve my writing skills and become better in English..If I got some grammar mistakes, excuse me :)