Friday, June 25, 2010

Today Quotable Quote:

salam everyone..
Hani rasa mulai hari ini dan yg akan dtg, hani nak letak petikan kata2 motivasi..because I really love motivational quotes!!! and I want to share it with you guys too...syg kalau xkongsi...what I like u also must like! hehe...
Sebagai pembuka, I stumbled on this really good's really inspiring me.

From author,Govin Alagasari of his book, Mahathir: The Awakening,

"I have had the privilege for the last several years of following Dr.Mahathir on many of his overseas trips, covering the events for Bernama. Though most of us journalists covering him are much younger than him, we have to admit that he possesses much more stamina to last his usually hectic schedule than us! In one of his trips, I asked him for the secrets which make him to never seem to suffer from fatigue and jet leg. His answer was that travelling is something which he enjoys and one never gets tired doing something he enjoys doing. Dr. Mahathir is also without doubt the world's most widely travelled Prime Minister and covering him has been a truly enriching experience for journalists."

My opinion: So true!!

1 comment:

  1. betui hani..x ada motivation x sah dlm hdp kita..just nothing aje...
